
let questions = [ { question: “Who was the first President of the United States?”, options: [“George Washington”, “Abraham Lincoln”, “Thomas Jefferson”, “John Adams”], correct: 0, description: “George Washington was the first President of the United States.” }, { question: “In which year did the Titanic sink?”, options: [“1905”, “1910”, “1912”, “1915”], correct: 2, description: “The Titanic sank in 1912.” }, { question: “Which ancient civilization built the pyramids?”, options: [“Mesopotamian”, “Indus Valley”, “Egyptian”, “Mayan”], correct: 2, description: “The Egyptian civilization built the pyramids.” }, { question: “Who discovered America?”, options: [“Ferdinand Magellan”, “Christopher Columbus”, “Marco Polo”, “Vasco da Gama”], correct: 1, description: “Christopher Columbus discovered America.” }, { question: “The Great Wall of China was primarily built to protect against which group?”, options: [“Japanese”, “Mongols”, “Indians”, “Koreans”], correct: 1, description: “The Great Wall of China was primarily built to protect against the Mongols.” }, { question: “Who was the British Prime Minister during World War II?”, options: [“Neville Chamberlain”, “Winston Churchill”, “Margaret Thatcher”, “Tony Blair”], correct: 1, description: “Winston Churchill was the British Prime Minister during World War II.” }, { question: “Which empire was ruled by Genghis Khan?”, options: [“Ottoman Empire”, “Roman Empire”, “Mongol Empire”, “Byzantine Empire”], correct: 2, description: “The Mongol Empire was ruled by Genghis Khan.” }, { question: “The Renaissance began in which country?”, options: [“France”, “Italy”, “Germany”, “England”], correct: 1, description: “The Renaissance began in Italy.” }, { question: “Who was known as the ‘Iron Lady’?”, options: [“Angela Merkel”, “Indira Gandhi”, “Golda Meir”, “Margaret Thatcher”], correct: 3, description: “Margaret Thatcher was known as the ‘Iron Lady’.” }, { question: “Which war was fought between the North and South regions in the United States?”, options: [“Revolutionary War”, “Civil War”, “Vietnam War”, “World War I”], correct: 1, description: “The Civil War was fought between the North and South regions in the United States.” } ];